7 sonucun tümü gösteriliyor

  • Ozel Kesim Urunler

    • Elektromanyetik Girişim Koruyucu
    • Esnek Bağlayıcılar
    • Termal Yönetim
    • Folyo bantlar
    • Maskeleme Diskleri
    • Güneş paneli bantları
    • Elektrokaplama, eloksal maskeleme
    • Poliamid kalıp kesimler şeklinde mevcuttur
    • Kum püskürtme maskeleme
    • Boya uygulamaları sırasında maskeleme
    • Antistatik maskeleme
    • Kalıp kesim çerçeveler
    • Özel şekiller
    • Polyester kalıp kesimleri
    • Vin plaka maskeleme
    • Yalıtımlı ön kalıplar
    • Toz boyalı maskeleme
    • Köpük kalıp kesimleri
    • bakır ön kalıplar
    • müşteri ihtiyacına göre farklı şekillerde ve boyutlarda özel olarak tasarlanabilir.
    • Rulo öpücük kesim ve tabaka formunda mevcuttur.
  • Koli Bandı

    • Koli Bandı, kauçuk veya Hotmelt yapıştırıcı ile kaplanmış polietilen film ve kumaş bez kombinasyonudur.
    • Gaffer’s Tape olarak da bilinir.
    • Güçlü yapışma ve kolay yırtılma özelliklerine sahiptir.
    • Polietilen kaplı bez ince kumaş ayrıca yüzey ile uzun süreli yapışma sağlamak için neme dayanıklı hale getirir.
    • İyi tutma gücüne sahiptir.
    • Yamalama, güçlendirme, demetleme, sızdırmazlık, yapıştırma, ekleme, paketleme ve yüksek sıcaklık uygulamalarında kullanılır.
    • Gümüş ve siyah renklerde mevcuttur. Özel istek üzerine herhangi bir renk temin edilebilir.
  • AS-43AS-44-GlassClothTape-scaled

    • Cam Bezi arkası akrilik, ısıyla sertleşen kauçuk ve silikon gibi yüksek dereceli yapıştırıcılarla kaplanmıştır.
    • F veya H sınıfın yalıtımını sağlar.
    • 150 ℃ ila 400 ℃ arasında değişen yüksek sıcaklık direnci.
    • Yüksek yapışma ve aşınmaya dayanıklı.
    • Alev geciktirici özelliği.
    • Yüksek mekanik mukavemet.
    • yüksek sıcaklıktaki kanalların ve odaların kalıcı sızdırmazlığında kullanılır.
    • Yüksek sıcaklık maskeleme olarak kullanılır.
    • Uçak penceresi sızdırmazlığında ve diğer birçok kullanımda kullanılır.
    More about Glass Cloth Adhesive Tapes

    Adhesive Specialities manufactures a specialty adhesive tape for insulation purposes. Glass Cloth Adhesive Tape – F Class is specially formulated with solvent adhesive which gives it a high temperature abrasion resistance. The adhesive tape conforms to ‘F’ Class which can withstand up to 150°C. It is also available with liner if required.  Glass Cloth Tape – F Class is used in FFS packing machines, lamination of sheets, ducting of high temperature applications and high temperature masking applications. Glass Cloth Tape – H Class is specially formulated with heat curing adhesive which gives it a high temperature abrasion resistance. The tape conforms to ‘H’ Class which can withstand up to 400°C. It is also available with medium tack and thermosetting rubber adhesives if required. Application: Glass Cloth Tape – H Class is used in FFS packing machines, lamination of sheets, ducting of high temperature applications and high temperature masking applications. Glass Cloth Tape – H Class is specially formulated with heat curing rubber adhesive which gives it a high temperature abrasion resistance. The tape conforms to ‘H’ Class which can withstand up to 180°C. Application: Glass Cloth Tape – H Class is used in FFS packing machines, lamination of sheets, ducting of high temperature applications and high temperature masking applications.

    • Glass Cloth backing is coated with high grade adhesives like acrylic, thermosetting rubber and silicone.
    • Provides F or H class insulation.
    • High temperature resistance ranging from 150 ℃ to 400 ℃.
    • High adhesion & abrasion resistant.
    • Flame retardant property.
    • High mechanical strength.
    • Permanent sealing of high temperature ducts & chambers.
    • Used as high temperature masking.
    • Used in Aircraft window sealing & many other uses.
  • Rayon Bant

    • Ağır metaller ve halojenler içermez.
    • Kendiliğinden söner.
    • Otomotiv elektrik kablo demetlerinin sarılması.
    • Röle transformatör solenoid bobinlerinde çekirdek yalıtımında kullanılır.
    • Genel yalıtım.
    • Bobin sarma, telleri tutma ve hafif motorlarda.
    • Elle yırtılabilir, el uygulamaları için kolaydir.
  • Pamuklu Bez Bant

    • Mükemmel su geçirmezlik özelliği.
    • Esnektir ve son derece uyumludur.
    • Yüksek sıcaklık maskeleme özelliği.
    • kumlama sırasında koruma ve maskeleme uygulamaları için uygundur.
    • Kablo demeti.
    • Tekstil serigrafi.
    • Çift cam kenar korumasında.
    • Deri işlerinde parçaların kenarlarında.
    • Kitap ciltleme için idealdir.
    • Siyah veya beyaz renklerde mevcuttur.
    More about Cotton Cloth Tapes

    What are Cotton Cloth Tapes?

    We at Adhesive Specialities, manufacture and supply Cotton Cloth Tapes of multiple variants. These specialised pressure sensitive cotton cloth tapes are used for applications across various industries, such as Electrical, Paint and Coatings and printing, Packaging and Signage. These are multipurpose adhesive tapes made from high quality materials and ensure high performance and efficiency.  Cotton Cloth Adhesive Tape is coated with Hotmelt adhesive on the inside and is coated with a special waterproof compound on the outside. The waterproof aspect helps with industrial applications. It has excellent adhesive properties and does not dry and is easy to tear by hand, therefore making it an easy and effective choice of adhesive tape. Cotton Cloth Tape is extensively used in the packaging field for various applications. These adhesive tapes are also used in high temperature masking, cable bundling, holding and harnessing applications. Another variant of the Cotton Cloth Adhesive Tape is extensively used for electrical wire splices, heavy-duty binding, bundling cables, household wiring, adding non-slip grip to construction, agriculture and sport equipment handles. It is also used in sandblasting and holding applications. This adhesive tape is a suitable choice for electrical applications.  The Cotton Cloth used in the adhesive tape is coated with special hotmelt adhesive giving the tape resistant properties for regular use in sandblasting or grit-blasting application. The formulation prevents the adhesive tape from easily tearing or ripping apart and at the same time gives excellent adhesion properties and tape does not dry easily. The adhesive tape is easy to tear with your hands. The tape is highly conformable to irregular surfaces. Cotton Cloth Tape is extensively used as masking tape during sandblasting and is also used in low PSI shot blasting applications. Cotton Cloth Tape is extensively used for cable bundling. It’s extra soft property ensures better handling and bundling of cables. Cotton Cloth Adhesive Tape is extensively used as masking tape during screen-printing and it acts as a blocker that does not spoil the main design. The unwanted regions on the screen which do not have to be printed are also covered with the tape to avoid any defects in the design.

    Cotton Cloth Adhesive Tape Uses and Properties :

    • Cotton cloth adhesive tapes have excellent waterproof properties, which is helpful for electrical applications and also helpful for paint, coatings, printing, packaging and signage.
    • Cotton cloth adhesive tapes are flexible & highly conformable.
    • These adhesive tapes have a high temperature masking property.
    • Cotton cloth adhesive tapes are also suitable for protection & masking application during sandblasting.
    • They can be used for cable bundling and textile screen printing.
    • Cotton cloth adhesive tapes have double glazing edge protection.
    • It is used in edging of pieces in leatherwork and is ideal for book binding.
    • Cotton cloth adhesive tapes are available in black or white colours.


    Uses of Transfer Adhesive Tape in Various Industries : 

    Electrical Industry :

    Adhesive Specialities manufactures cotton cloth adhesive tapes, suitable for applications in the electrical industry, which are pressure-sensitive, used to insulate electrical wires and cables. Cotton cloth adhesive tapes are of various varieties, specialized for specific purposes, differentiated by colour. Cotton cloth adhesive tapes are highly adhesive, offer excellent absorption, and have longer lives. Cotton cloth adhesive tapes are suitable for electrical wire handling solutions, they are essentially used to insulate wires and cables that have electricity coursing through them. Cotton cloth tapes are comfortable, easy to use, and highly effective. Reach out to our team at Adhesive Specialities today, to get customized solutions for your adhesive tape requirements.   

    Paint and Coatings Industry :

    Adhesive Specialities manufactures a wide range of adhesive tapes, suitable for the paint and coatings industry. Available in various different variants – Cotton Cloth Tapes are made for easy use and clean removal. Cotton cloth tapes are used for masking purposes and may also be used for screen printing. These adhesive tapes can withstand extreme temperatures.   

    Printing, Packaging and Signage Industry :

    Adhesive Specialities specialises in custom developments of Cotton cloth adhesive tapes utilised for the printing, packaging and signage industry. Adhesive tapes manufactured by us provide excellent adhesion. These adhesive tapes are suitable for joining signage boards, helpful in flexo printing, and extremely temperature resistant. Cotton cloth tapes are highly functional on similar and dissimilar surfaces and for indoor and outdoor applications. The different adhesive tapes we offer are suitable for general purpose applications and also for specific purposes, based on your requirement. Adhesive tapes for this industry are ideal for sealing, packing, fixing and mending applications.  Reach out to our team at Adhesive Specialities today, to get solutions to your adhesive tape needs.

  • Naylon Kumaş Bandı

    • Naylon Kumaş Bant, deri, kumaş veya sentetik deri vb. malzemelerin gerilme mukavemetini artırmaya yardımcı olan yüksek gerilme mukavemeti ile birlikte gelir.
    • Ayakkabıcılık endüstrisinde, ayakkabı derilerini ve sayalarını güçlendirmek, arka dikişleri sabitlemek, kesik kısımları ve üst kenarları sağlamlaştırmak için kullanılır.
    • Naylon Bant, kayış takma ve düzleştirme makinelerinde çalışmak üzere tasarlanmıştır.
    • ayak parmakları, yama astarı ve kayış takviyesi için mükemmeldir.
  • Çift Taraflı Pamuklu Bez Bant

    • Yüksek tutunma ve iyi yapışma.
    • Baskıda plaka montajı olarak kullanılır.
    • Oluklu mukavvanın esnek baskısı için mükemmel
    • Tabela gibi 2 farklı yüzeyin birleştirilmesi için uygundur.
    • Halı sabitleme için idealdir.