4 sonucun tümü gösteriliyor

  • EPDM Köpük Bandı

    • EPDM köpük bant, Cam Bant olarak da bilinir.
    • Bant pürüzsüz bir yüzeyle gelir ve dayanıklıdır.
    • Basıncı dağıtma özelliğine sahiptir.
    • Isıya dayanıklıdır.
    • Su ve hava sızıntılarını önlemek için cam panelleri ile pencere kanadı veya kapı çerçevesi arasındaki alanı kapatmak için kullanılır.
    • Conta uygulamasında kullanılır.
    • Rulo ve kalıp kesim formlarında mevcuttur.
  • Alüminyum Folyo Bant

    • Adhesive Specialities, hotmelt, solvent, silikon ve akrilik emülsiyon gibi çeşitli yapıştırıcılara sahip çok çeşitli Alüminyum Folyo Bantlar sunar.
    • Yüksek ve düşük sıcaklık direnci.
    • iç ve dış alanlarda genel amaçlı tutma, yama, sızdırmazlık uygulaması için kullanılır.
    • Folyo kaplı fiberglas veya kanal levhası bağlantılarını birleştirmek için uygundur.
    • HVAC Havalandırma sistemlerinde birleştirme ve sızdırmazlık uygulamaları için idealdir.
    • Sert hava kanalı yalıtımı ve şaftlarının kapatılması.
    • Motorlar, kablolar, kabinler, antenler ve bileşenler için EMI/RFI koruması (sıçrayan maskeleme).
    • 30 mic, 50 mic, 100 mic ve 150 mic kalınlıklarında mevcuttur.

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    More about Aluminium Foil Tapes


    What are Aluminium Foil Tapes?

    We at Adhesive Specialities, manufacture various types of Aluminium Foil Tapes these include Aluminium Foil + LDPE, Aluminium Foil Tape 30mic-AE, Aluminium Foil Tape 30mic-HM, Aluminium Foil Tape 30mic-Sol, Aluminium Foil Tape 30mic-si, Aluminium Foil 50mic-Sol, Aluminium Foil Tape 100mic-Si, Aluminium Foil Tape 100mic-Sol and Aluminium Foil Tape 150mic-Sol. Reach out to us, at Adhesive Specialities today, and we shall help you pick the most suitable Adhesive Tape for your requirements.

    Aluminium Foil + LDPE is laminated adhesive tape, that is 20 micron aluminium foil laminated with 50 micron LDPE film, this comes without liner or glue. 

    This adhesive tape can be used in various applications involving Die-Cuts sticker application in the automotive industry, these work the best in application temperatures of  4°C to 40°C. Ensuring the surface of application is clean, dry and dust free before application helps give the best results, coupled with firm and even pressure on application for better adhesion results. For better shelf life and storage the adhesive tape needs to be stored in a cool and dry place without any prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

    Aluminium Foil Tape 30mic-Ae is Acrylic Emulsion tape, this Aluminium Foil Adhesive Tape is 30 micron aluminium foil coated with Acrylic Emulsion for better adhesion, Excellent reflective properties on this adhesive tape are seen due to the aluminium backing, this 30 micron Aluminium Foil Tape is available with hot melt, and solvent acrylic adhesive and with or without liner. 

    This Aluminium Foil Adhesive Tape is  majorly used for ( HVAC ) Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, application. This adhesive tape can also be used for seaming and sealing for fibreglass duct board and duct wrap to enhance appearance and maintain vapour barrier integrity. The minimum recommended temperature of application is 4°C (40ºF). It’s a useful option for high/low temperature applications too, like, EMI/RFI shielding, ducting, thermal spray masking and protection against welding arch.

    This, like every other tape, needs to be applied on a surface that is clean, dry and dust free before application of the tape, with even and firm pressure for better adhesion results.

    Aluminium Foil Tape 30mic-Hm Hot Melt tape, this Aluminium Foil Adhesive Tape is 30-micron foil coated with hotmelt adhesive, the Aluminium here offers excellent reflective properties. This 30 micron aluminium foil adhesive tape is also available with acrylic emulsion and solvent acrylic adhesive.

    This Aluminium Foil Tape is often used in HVAC ( Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning ) purposes, in appliances, marine and aerospace industries, it can be used as seaming and sealing for fibreglass duct board, and duct wrap to enhance appearance and maintain vapour barrier integrity. For best results, application needs to be at least  4°C (40ºF). It can be used in high and low pressure applications EMI/RFI shielding, ducting, thermal spray masking and protection against welding arch. Apply on a clean and dry surface for maximum adhesion. 

    Aluminium Foil Tape – 30 mic Solvent is 30 micron Aluminium Foil Coated with Solvent acrylic adhesive, The 30 micron aluminium foil tape is also available with acrylic emulsion and hot melt adhesive. This tape is also available with or without liner.

    This Aluminium Foil Tape is often used in HVAC ( Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning ) purposes, in appliances, marine and aerospace industries, it can be used as seaming and sealing for fibreglass duct board, and duct wrap to enhance appearance and maintain vapour barrier integrity. For best results application needs to be at least  4°C (40ºF). It can be used in high and low pressure applications EMI/RFI shielding, ducting, thermal spray masking and protection against welding arch. Apply on a clean and dry surface for maximum adhesion. 

     Aluminium Foil Tape 100mic-Si – this adhesive tape is a 100 micron aluminium foil tape coated with silicon adhesive and comes with dotted liner. It is an excellent conductor and the aluminium backing offers excellent reflective properties including heat reflection.

    Aluminium foil tape is used for high/low temperature applications EMI/RFI shielding, ducting, thermal spray masking and HVAC (Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) application. It is also used in appliances, marine and aerospace industries.

    Aluminium Foil Tape 100mic-Sol made by Adhesive specialties is a 100-micron foil coated with solvent acrylic adhesive and comes with liner. It is an excellent conductor and the aluminium backing offers excellent reflective properties including heat reflection. Aluminium Foil Adhesive Tape is used for high/low temperature applications, EMI/RFI shielding, ducting, thermal spray masking and HVAC (Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) application. It is also used in appliances, marine and aerospace industries.

    Aluminium Foil Tape 150mic-Sol made by Adhesive Specialties is a 150-micron foil coated with solvent acrylic adhesive and comes with a silicone release liner. The aluminium backing offers excellent reflective properties.

    Aluminium Foil Adhesive Tape is used for HVAC (Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) application. It is also used in appliances, marine and aerospace industries. It can also be used as seaming and sealing for fiber glass duct board and duct wrap to enhance appearance and maintain vapour barrier integrity. The minimum recommended application temperature is 4°C (40ºF). 


    Aluminium Foil Tape Uses and Properties : 

    • Aluminium Foil Adhesive Tapes made at Adhesive Specialties are wide in range and include tapes available in the form of Hot melt, Solvent, Silicone, and Acrylic Emulsion. 
    • These have excellent reflective properties backed by the Aluminium, and can reflect heat to a great extent.
    • These adhesive tapes also have a high tolerance for high and low temperature application 
    • The uses of these adhesive tapes is majorly in holding, patching, sealing, applications, indoor and outdoor. 
    • Aluminium foil tapes are also useful for joining foil faced fibreglass or duct board joints
    • These adhesive tapes are ideal for joining and sealing in HVAC applications.
    • EMI/RFI shielding for motors, cables, cabinets, antennae & components (splatter masking).
    • Aluminium foil adhesive tapes are available in 30 mic, 50 mic, 100 mic & 150 mic thicknesses.


    Uses of Aluminium Foil Adhesive Tape in Various Industries : 

    Aerospace Industry :

    Adhesive Specialties manufactures Aluminium Foil Tapes that can be used for holding, patching and sealing purposes in addition to HVAC applications for joining and sealing. 

    Automotive Industry :

    The Aluminium Foil Tape is an amazing alternative for the automotive industry considering it’s  excellent reflective properties that reflects heat and it’s lightweight. These tapes are ideal for HVAC applications like joining and sealing and thus help closing and insulation of air ducts and shafts.

    Electrical Industry :   

    Aluminium Foil Tapes manufactured by Adhesive Specialties are an ideal to the electrical industry owing to its aluminium backing that makes it a great conductor and adds on with its reflective properties that help deflect heat. 

    Adhesive Specialities also specialises in custom developments. Reach out to our team at Adhesive Specialities today, to find the ideal solution to your Adhesive Tape requirements. 


  • Koli Bandı

    • Koli Bandı, kauçuk veya Hotmelt yapıştırıcı ile kaplanmış polietilen film ve kumaş bez kombinasyonudur.
    • Gaffer’s Tape olarak da bilinir.
    • Güçlü yapışma ve kolay yırtılma özelliklerine sahiptir.
    • Polietilen kaplı bez ince kumaş ayrıca yüzey ile uzun süreli yapışma sağlamak için neme dayanıklı hale getirir.
    • İyi tutma gücüne sahiptir.
    • Yamalama, güçlendirme, demetleme, sızdırmazlık, yapıştırma, ekleme, paketleme ve yüksek sıcaklık uygulamalarında kullanılır.
    • Gümüş ve siyah renklerde mevcuttur. Özel istek üzerine herhangi bir renk temin edilebilir.
  • NBR Köpük Bandı

    NBR Köpük Bantlar, taşıyıcı olarak PVC ve Nitril kapalı hücreli köpük karışımından yapılmış ve kolay soyulabilen bir astar ile yüksek dereceli bir yapıştırıcı ile kaplanmış tek taraflı yapışkan köpük bantlardır.

    *Kavisli ve düzensiz yüzeylerde iyi sonuç veren dayanıklı akrilik *yapışkan ve esnek köpük kombinasyonu.
    *Metaller, camlar, plastikler ve ahşaplar dahil olmak üzere çoğu yüzeylere mükemmel yapışma sağlar.
    *Hava koşullarına, UV Ultraviyole ışığına ve çoğu kimyasalara karşı dirençlidir.
    *Ozon, küf ve küflenmeye karşı mükemmel direnç.
    *Geniş bir sıcaklık aralığında esnek kalır.
    *Klima, soğutma, ısı ve ses yalıtımı, hava sıyırma, otomotiv contaları *ve deniz yapıları (Gemi ambar kapakları)
    *Kamyon kabinleri, otobüsler, arazi araçları, bakım kapakları
    *denetim pnolları, gövde contaları ve genel kapama uygulamaları.